Year 12 Work Experience Week

Warlingham Sixth Form College has been busy this half term with helping students to prepare for their next steps after College by researching their options in terms of University courses, apprenticeships and the World of Work. Last week, students undertook work experience in a range of different industries to gain an insight into possible careers that they would be interested in pursuing in the future.
Students were extremely positive about their experiences, and we had a number of great placements, including working at Biggin Hill Museum, which tells the story of the airfield’s involvement in World War Two. Another student gained an insight into life as a University professor by shadowing the Science Department at the University College of London. Such great experiences will undoubtedly help students in deciding their next steps for the future.
Indeed, the work experience forms a crucial element of the Advance Award which is unique to Warlingham Sixth Form College. The award consists of four parts which alongside work experience, includes academic success, community engagement and employability skills. The purpose of the award is to ensure students are successful in securing their next steps in the future in whatever route they choose.
Over the course of the two years in College, students gain credits for undertaking different activities such as work experience. Depending on the number of credits secured, students are then presented with a bronze, silver or gold award in their Leavers’ Ceremony in Year 13, which is always a lovely occasion. We’re looking forward to it already! More information about our Advance Award is available on our website here.
The work experience week that Warlingham Sixth Form College offered was an incredibly useful tool to further introduce us to the world of work. I was privileged to be placed at Biggin Hill Airport and my week there has allowed me to consider wider options for my career path in future, as it opened me to areas of aviation that I previously haven't seen. I spent most of the week hands on with Spitfires which included cleaning them, manoeuvring them onto the ramp and preparing them for flights. I also got some more hands-on engineering experience with the planes as they restore multiple aircraft from the ground up. This included assisting assembly of parts within the aircraft, resorting external parts using a plethora of precision tools, servicing important cockpit components and much more. It also allowed me to meet a range of people who are incredibly passionate about what they do, and they assisted me greatly with any questions I had to ask. Overall, I absolutely loved my work experience week with Biggin Hill Heritage Hangar.
Simon, Year 12 Student