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Digital Media

Digital Media is an ever-growing employment sector that is constantly evolving and adapting. The media we use also has a huge effect on our lives, from guiding us through the complexities of modern life, to helping us create an identity for ourselves.

In Digital Media, we are passionate about providing our students with opportunities to develop into autonomous, resilient and creative learners who are prepared to succeed. Students cover a wide range of topics that provide them with an appreciation for the diverse nature of the Digital Media, as well as specialist knowledge and skills which are able to be used in creating a variety of media products. The course is predominantly practical and gives students a large amount of freedom in pursuing a particular media path of their own choosing – from website design to documentary film-making.

The Digital Media curriculum aims to ensure that all students develop key media knowledge and conceptual understanding, exam and coursework skills and the ability to set, follow and work to their own deadlines as autonomous learners.  The curriculum is a progression model, through which the ‘big ideas’ are developed and built upon, as students develop their own pathway through Digital Media.  Our Core Concepts, through which all aspects of our subject of Digital Media can be linked to or explained by are:

The Core Concepts

  • Media Conventions: how different media products are constructed to create meaning for audiences.
  • Media Audiences: How different products are received and used by different audiences.
  • Media Ownership: How ownership issues affect different media texts and audience responses.
  • Planning and pre-production techniques: The different ways in which media products are planned and constructed via a range of different documents.

    key stage 5 

    Year 12

    Media Products and Audiences
    • How do different media texts create meaning? 
    • How do ownership issues affect different media texts?
    • How do different audiences respond and react to media texts?
    • How is Digital Media regulated?

    Advertising Media

    • How do adverts attract their audiences and achieve their goals?
    • How does an advertising campaign create meaning?
    • Can you demonstrate your understanding of advertising techniques through construction and planning of your own campaign?

    Create a Media Product

    • How are different media texts planned? 
    • How does different research affect the outcome of media texts?
    • Can you demonstrate understanding through the construction of a media text of your own choice?

    Year 13

    Planning and Pre-production
    • How does research affect different media texts? 
    • How do different media texts ensure they follow all legal and regulatory issues?
    Journalism and News Industry
    • How does the news reach and affect different audiences?
    • How does different types of research help to create a news story?