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Often Governors are asked what they actually do. It's not an easy question to answer, without giving a long list of responsibilities and quoting various pieces of legislation. A simple answer to the question is that school improvement and raising standards is at the heart of school governance.

Governors have three strands to their role:

  • To provide a strategic view by determining where the school is going and by ensuring that policies, frameworks and personnel are designed to achieve the school's long term aims.
  • To act as a critical friend by promoting the school and supporting its work through the monitoring and evaluation of the school’s effectiveness.
  • To ensure accountability by establishing targets and expected outcomes for the academic and personal development of our students and then by challenging the school's leadership along the journey towards their realisation. We hold the school to account on behalf of stakeholder groups (including students and their parents) of which the governors are representatives.

Warlingham has thirteen governors who form the Local Governing Committee and report to the Trustees of Tandridge Learning Trust. There are eight Community Governors, two Parent Governors and three Staff Governors, one of whom is the Headteacher. We sometimes have Associate Governors, who are in training to become full governors when a vacancy occurs and four Student Governors from the Sixth Form College.

The Local Governing Committee meets twice per term.

Governors bring a wealth of experience to their role. There is a great sense of collegiality. Everyone wants the school to be the best it can be.

Ofsted, 2022

If you wish to contact the Governing Committee, please click here. Your email will be received by the Clerk who will respond accordingly.