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Staff List

Senior Leadership Team

Mr P Foster MA NPQH Headteacher
Mr P Kinder BA Senior Deputy Headteacher
Ms L Watts Deputy Headteacher
Mrs C Christie BA Assistant Headteacher
Mrs K Haynes BA Assistant Headteacher
Miss E Tindall BSc NPQSL Assistant Headteacher
Mr R Toop MA Assistant Headteacher
Mr M Tucker MA NPQH Assistant Headteacher
Mr S Strachan Assistant Headteacher
Mrs R Bristow Associate Assistant Headteacher

Please click here for more information about our Senior Leadership Team.

TEaching Staff

Ms T Abdul-Wakil Mathematics
Miss D Baker Science
Ms H Baker Design Technology
Mr G Battistel Geography, Science, KS Co-ordinator
Ms W Brown English
Mr R Chotai  Science, Head of Sixth Form College
Ms N Clark  Head of Drama
Mr P Clarke Modern Foreign Languages, Society, Religion and Wellbeing
Miss L Clewley  English
Mr D Crenol Geography, Head of Year 9
Miss J Day PE
Mr S Day PE, Facilities and Operations Lead
Mr A Deacon  Drama, English
Miss R Dewey  Head of English, Professional Learning Mentor
Mr G Dicks  Head of History
Ms A Djelladj Modern Foreign Languages, Deputy Head of Year 8
Mr N Duff  Head of Music, Head of Deparment
Miss J Duvigneau Modern Foreign Languages
Ms R Dzienis Modern Foreign Languages
Mr T Early  Subject Leader (Media and Film)
Ms S Edwards Business Studies
Mr S Fernihough  Head of Design Technology 
Mr R Gardner  Head of Geography
Miss M Green Art, Photography
Mr P Gunn Science
Miss C Harmer Mathematics, KS Co-ordinator, Deputy Head of Year 9
Miss K Harris English, Key Stage Co-ordinator
Mr C Hatton 2 i/c PE
Mr N Hellier Mathematics
Mrs S Hickox  Head of Science
Mr A Hill  Head of Society, Religion and Wellbeing, Professional Learning Mentor
Mrs R Howe  Design Technology, Head of Textiles, HoY Sixth Form (Year 12)
Mrs B Hunt  SENDCo, Learning Development
Mr S Hurst Music, Science
Mr A Janalli 2 i/c English, KS Co-ordinator
Mr G Johnston Humanities, Politics. Senior Lead Practitioner 
Mr J Knight History
Ms T Knight Society, Religion and Wellbeing
Ms R Langford PE
Mr R Leay History, Deputy Head of 6th Form, Subject Lead Government and Politics
Ms R Letts Science, Head of Year 11
Mr M Lines Design Technology
Mrs D MacMahon  Design Technology, Primary Liaison Co-ordinator, Deputy Head of Year 7
Miss A Martin Design Technology
Mr B Martin Mathematics
Mr S Moore  Science, Subject Leader (Chemistry)
Ms C Murphy Nurture Teacher
Mrs T Needs SENDCO Support 
Miss H Nicholson History, Deputy Head of Year 11
Miss S Obmann  Health & Social Care, Deputy Head of Year 10
Mrs S Onley Mathematics, 
Mrs A Payne English, Head of Year 10
Ms C Penston Mathematics
Mr R Pizzey English. Geography, Head of Year 7
Mr R Porter Computer Science, Head of Department
Ms H Raymond PE
Mr A Richardson-Price History, Professional Learning Mentor, KS Co-ordinator
Mr C Robins  Head of Mathematics
Mrs C Sayers Subject Leader (Psychology), EPQ Co-ordinator
Mrs N Scanlon Head of Business Studies
Ms L Scott Mathematics
Mrs R Scott  2 i/c Maths
Mr R Scott PE
Mr J Sewell PE
Ms S Singh Mathematics
Mrs B Smales  Head of Modern Foreign Languages
Ms K Simons English
Mrs J Sula  Head of Art
Mr A Staley Mathematics
Ms K Tattershaw Science
Ms J Tighe PE, Pastoral Lead
Mr S Tipton Head of PE
Mr J Usherwood SRW, Drama
Mrs V Wakeham Mathematics, Subject Leader (Accountancy)
Mrs M Ward Modern Foreign Languages, Head of Year 8
Mr R Watkins Science, Subject Leader (Physics)
Mr S Webber English
Ms L Wilkins  Art 
Ms G Williamson Society, Religion & Wellbeing
Ms S Wilson 2 i/c Science
Ms R Yarde Computing 


Administration, Departmental Assistants, FInance and Reception

Administration & Administration Assistants
Mrs N Tosen Head of Year Co-Ordinator
Mrs C Beadle 6th Form Support Assistant
Mrs D Cannon Administration Support
Mrs M Eustace Administration Support
Mrs J Jeal Administration Support
Mrs M Mouqtadir School Librarian
Ms Carolyn Walker LRC Co-Ordinator
Miss C Pantony PA to SENDCo
Mrs J Rayner Admissions and Admin Officer
Mrs N Smith PA to Headteacher and Senior SLT Administrator
Ms T Wisbey Finance Officer
Mrs T Major Finance Assistant
Ms C Parnell Receptionist

Attendance and Student Services

Mrs T Bradstock Attendance & Student Support Assistant
Mrs S Johnson Attendance & Student Support Assistant
Mrs N Mathie Student Support Officer
Mrs S Rickard School Counsellor
Mrs V Stokes Attendance & Student Support Manager
Mrs T Vidal Attendance & Student Support Assistant

Cover Team, Curriculum support staff, Data and Exams

Cover Team
Ms S Aitken Cover Supervisor
Ms J Crowhurst Cover Supervisor
Miss E Davies Cover Supervisor
Mrs C Hedger Cover Supervisor
Mrs D Westley Cover Manager
Exams and Data
Mrs N Jenkins Examinations Manager
Mrs A Park Data Manager
Ms A Benlloch Art Technician
Mr R Cameron Music and Media Technician
Mr L McConnell Reprographics Technician
Mr I Moore Design Technology Technician
Mrs D Morgan Science Technician
Mrs S Orr Science Technician
Mrs S Tyson Science Technician Manager
Mr S Yates Science Technician

Learning Development (SEND) & Teaching Assistants

Miss C Adams Senior Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Bolton Assistant SENDCo
Ms C Bothua Teaching Assistant
Miss L Bradley Teaching Assistant
Mr D Collison Senior Teaching Assistant
Miss M Cudlip Senior Teaching Assistant
Mrs H Curt Senior Teaching Assistant/Learning Support - The Bridge
Mrs K Dawson Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Egerton Teaching Assistant
Miss L Fox Teaching Assistant
Mrs S Gates Senior Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Ketcher Teaching Assistant
Mrs A Kruk Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Linsdell Teaching Assistant
Mr J Mitchell Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Patel Senior Teaching Assistant
Ms M Pegrum Teaching Assistant
Mrs D Poole Teaching Assistant
Miss P Rayner Apprentice Teaching Assistant
Mrs M Sansom Teaching Assistant
Miss C Saunders Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Scott Senior Teaching Assistant - Behaviour Support
Mrs L Sheppard Teaching Assistant
Mr C Wiggan Teaching Assistant
Mrs C Young Teaching Assistant
Mrs R Henry Behaviour Support Assistant 
Ms L White Behaviour Support Assistant
Miss L Wakefield Behaviour Support Assistant

Operations, Health & Safety, MIDDAY SUpervisors AND Site staff

Mr J Boakes Premises Assistant (weekends)
Mr M Dagnall Premises Assistant
Mr I Haji Premises Assistant
Mr T Mandry Premises and Maintenance Assistant
Mr G Smith Premises Assistant
Mr E Tafa Premises Manager
Miss B Anders Midday Supervisor
Ms M Gray Midday Supervisor


Tandridge Learning Trust has a shared services team whose expertise we can call upon as and when required.  The staff listed below all provide technical and/or strategic support and advice to Warlingham, as required.

Executive Support  
Miss R Plaskitt Chief Executive Officer
Mr Suresh Shan Director of Finance and Business
Mrs M Gorham PA to CEO
Human Resources  
Mrs J Standen HR Manager
Mrs S Trethewey HR & Recruitment Officer
Ms D White HR Administrator
Vacant Finance Manager
Ms S Wanderema Finance Officer (Woodlea, Hamsey Green & Tatsfield)
Ms J Knight Finance Officer (Bletchingley, Hurst Green)
Ms T Wisbey Finance Officer (Warlingham)
Mr L Sales IT Operations Manager
Mr S Casey IT Technician
Mr B Cabot Apprentice IT Technician
Marketing, PR & Communications  
Miss M Filmer PR, Communications & Marketing Manager