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Work Experience 2024

This term we have been delighted to have been able to build on the previous success of our In-Person Work Experience Week with both Year 10 and Year 12. As a school, we firmly believe in the value of the experience for all involved, students gain an insight into the workplace and the potential careers open to them. Employers gain an understanding and an appreciation of the workforce of the future.

This year we worked with our online careers platform partner, Unifrog, to ensure that all health and safety checks were in place and students were able to gain a greater knowledge of the platform that they will be using far more in the Sixth Form College.


This year we had some very exciting placements happening at employers such as Hubbard Torlot, Bromley FC, Crystal Palace FC, AForce Design, Harbour Litigation Funding, Tatsfield Aquatics and Ozone Project Ltd to name just a few.


Feedback from some of our employers:

“**** has been a helpful addition to the team and was willingly helping out with all assigned tasks, however trivial or heavy they have been. 
He was engaged and listened to experienced engineers to get to know the specifics of the plumbing trade and was participating in fitting the planned pipework to the building.”

“Just a quick email to say that **** did a great job and was much appreciated by the team she worked with. She was punctual, professional and didn't mind turning her hand to whatever she was asked. She had a great work ethic and used her initiative whilst working with the children.”

“****** has been an excellent student and hard worker for the week that we have had him. He shows great ambition, passion and is very precise with the portfolio of work he has put together for us. He pays great attention to detail and listens to information and direction well beyond his years. It truly has been a pleasure for us to have him.”


I would like to say how proud I am of our students and how they approached their work experience, making the most of the opportunity presented to them and showing the core values of courage, commitment and kindness throughout the week. They have also shown us how they are developing into mature and independent young adults.