2nd February 2023
Message from the Headteacher

It has certainly been an eventful return since the Christmas break and one in which the school community has shown so many of the things that make it a special place to come to work and to learn.
The kindness in sending cards to mark a local care home resident’s 100th Birthday is one example of the positive impact that our students can and do have in our local community. Sadly, the kind acts and positive impacts are not always as well reported as those examples that are less socially responsible but it was great to see this get some attention in local and online media.
It has also been a half-term in which we have brought the community into school with great opportunities for our Sixth Form College students to learn about the apprenticeship route into careers, as well as have mock interviews with volunteer parents, local businesses and former staff. It is now something we don’t perhaps take so much for granted to be able to provide both for school community and the wider community, having missed out on these type of events during the pandemic.
Included in this newsletter are great examples of the range of enrichment opportunities for students at Warlingham, as well as trips and visits that can so enhance their wider learning. Please encourage your child to try something new and broaden their horizons this term as it is often this that provides lifelong memories and learning that we take with us on our next steps after school.
At the time of writing, we are a week away from what I hope will be a relaxing and enjoyable half term break for you and those close to you and we look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday 21st February.
 | 20 Jan 2023 We are delighted to launch our new Enrichment Timetable for the Spring Term. | |
 | 19 Jan 2023 We are very excited to announce that we are partnering with Camps International to offer current Year 9-12 students the opportunity to go on a life-changing, four-week expedition to Peru, during the summer of 2024. | |
 | 13 Jan 2023 The Warlingham pastoral team are always looking at initiatives to provide our students with opportunities to complete acts of kindness to support the wider community. | |
 | 12 Jan 2023 It was decided that it is only fair that the Music Department staff get involved in performing at one of the First Monday of the Month Music recitals. | |
 | 06 Jan 2023 We are delighted that, following the visit of Ofsted on 9 & 10 November 2022, Warlingham School & Sixth Form College continues to be judged as a good school. | |
 | 27 Jan 2023 On Wednesday 25th January, a group of Year 12 & 13 Politics and Law students visited the Houses of Parliament to experience the running of parliament and to develop a greater understanding of its history, functions and role in modern British politics. | |
 | 24 Jan 2023 The beginning of the Spring Term at Warlingham Sixth Form College has seen a real focus on preparing students for their next steps. | |
 | 02 Feb 2023 On Tuesday 31st January, we held mock interviews for our Year 12 students. | |
School of Hard Knocks Recognition
Johnson house would like to celebrate students who have been highlighted for the exceptional performance with the School of Hard Knocks rugby on 20th January 2023. Congratulations to Year 9 student, Harry, who was wonderful out on the pitch and Year 10 student, Kaelan, who played absolutely brilliantly and won Player of the Day.
Tutee of the Fortnight
Sharman have had a wonderful start to the Spring Term. Our Sharman Tutors have kindly nominated tutees from their form group who are constantly exuding our school values of courage, commitment and kindness.
Congratulations to the following Tutees of the Fortnight:
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As part of our registration activities, students have the opportunity to learn about and debate topics each week, using resources from VotesforSchools. This helps provide students with a wider understanding of current affairs, develops their empathy and kindness skills when considering sensitive issues, and also enables them to practise forming arguments and debating.
Furthermore, they have their voices heard as VotesforSchools shares the voting outcomes with a variety of organisations, including governments and charities.
Recently, students have discussed the topics 'Should the Homes for Ukraine scheme be for more refugees?' and 'Is it right that the Prime Minister kept his job after ‘partygate’?'
See the latest vote results below with our school's results indexed against the national votes.
Are you interested in Harry and Meghan?
20th - 27th January 2023
Is it ok for the government to change its mind?
13th - 20th January 2023
Will science solve the world's problems?
6th - 13th January 2023
Collection of Exams Certificates
Students can now arrange to collect their exams certificates for their exams that took place in the summer of 2022. Certificates are not automatically sent out because they need to be signed for. Please note that schools are only allowed to accept instruction from students, not from their parents/carers in respect of their exam results and certificates.
There are three ways of getting your certificates:
- In person
- Nominate someone to collect for you
- By post
Click below to find out more.
Home Learning Club
In order to support our students with their home learning, we are operating a Home Learning Club, which runs from Monday to Thursday between 3.10pm and 4.10pm.
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Fresh Start
Start your day the Warlingham way with a fresh breakfast served from our Outdoor Crunch Servery every morning from 8.05 – 8.30am.
For £1 or under, you can enjoy a range of freshly cooked breakfast items, including Belgian waffles, croissants, sausage or bacon muffins and freshly cut seasonal fruit pots, along with hot chocolate and a selection of cold drinks every morning.